Get Involved

Volunteer, request a yard sign, host an event and more.

Whether you’re an introvert who likes to work hard behind the scenes or a social butterfly excited to meet neighbors by canvassing, the Oldham for UA City Council campaign would be honored to have the help of your talents and time. Fill out the form, and someone from our campaign will reach out to you soon via email or text. 

Our goal is to keep all of our campaign events as close to zero waste as possible. If you’d like to host a Meet + Mend (chance to chat and learn how to repair an item) or a Tea + Greet (chance to chat over tea grown in Laura’s garden) we will work with you to help make your event sustainable. 

Get Involved

Volunteer, request a yard sign, host an event and more.

Whether you’re an introvert who likes to work hard behind the scenes or a social butterfly excited to meet neighbors by canvassing, the Oldham for UA City Council campaign would be honored to have the help of your talents and time. Fill out the form, and someone from our campaign will reach out to you soon via email or text. 

Our goal is to keep all of our campaign events as close to zero waste as possible. If you’d like to host a Meet + Mend (chance to chat and learn how to repair an item) or a Tea + Greet (chance to chat over tea grown in Laura’s garden) we will work with you to help make your event sustainable.